Tal Toli Sundarban Courier Service

Tal Toli Thana Sundarban Courier Service

Tal Toli Thana Sundarban Courier Service office & Addresses:

Tal Toli Sundarban Courier Service

Under this service we are providing documents for both corporate and retail customers nationwide.

Envelopes weighing 01 to 200 grams are served.

These documents are being distributed to 600+ outlets across Bangladesh.

Under this service, through our 160 branches and agency offices nationwide, we collect declared value against “e-commerce and condition parcel products”.

Sundarbans is a household name to everyone in Bangladesh, the pioneer of courier and parcel services in the country.

Everyone from corporate clients to the average individual is availing Sundarbans services.

Sundarban Courier Service

SL No Office Name Address Phone Number Office Type
1 Tal Toli Thana Agency 2 Star Business Centre, Taltoli, Dist: Borguna 1713674128 Agency

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