Rangpur USB courier service address and number

Mymensingh USB courier service address and number

Rangpur USB courier service address and phone number


We know that there are various courier services all over the country. USB courier service is one of them. Keeping pace with the current times, courier service does not help us to send our various items to different places.

You can send it. And USB courier does not cost much.

The time has come when we can’t take our belongings with us anywhere. In that case, if you leave the things in the courier and go with the address, then, of course, the things will reach you in a very short time.





Thakurgaon Mohammaod Ali Stadium, East Side, Dinajpur Road, Thakurgaon 01701208473
Saidpur T. R. Road (Dinajpur Road), Saidpur, Nilphamari 01701208472
Rangpur Sanchita Complex (South Side of Adarsho School), H# 0106-01, Alam Nagar Collage Road 01701208149 / 01701208150
Panchagarh Central Plaza, Panchagarh 01717100377
Nilphamari Epz Sarkar Plaza, Uttara EPZ More, Songolshi, Soyedpur, Nilphamari (north face 3 and 4 no shop) 01701207984
Nilphamari Chowrongi More, Nilphamari 01711903539
Lalmonirhat Majeda Shoping Complex, H# 2283/00, Taluk Khutamara, Lalmonirhat Sadar 01701208153
Kurigram H# 2061, Gorosthanpara, RK Road, Opposite of Zela Porishad, Kurigram Sadar, Kurigram 01701208151
Gaibandha M N Shopping Mall (G.F.), Shahid Sarwardi Road, Modhdho Para, Gaibandha 01701208468


All service companies have a customer service point. When we encounter a problem, we contact customer service and share the problem with the agent. So USB courier also has customer service points. USB courier customer service number is +88 09613555111.

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Rangpur USB courier service Rangpur USB courier service

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