Mymensingh USB courier service address and number

Mymensingh USB courier service address and number

Mymensingh USB courier service address and phone number


We know that there are various courier services all over the country. USB courier service is one of them. Keeping pace with the current times, courier service does not help us to send our various items to different places.

You can send it. And USB courier does not cost much.

The time has come when we can’t take our belongings with us anywhere. In that case, if you leave the things in the courier and go with the address, then, of course, the things will reach you in a very short time.

In this section, we will know all the lists, contact numbers and address details of USB courier service branches know there is an all-district branch of USB Express for advanced services. Here you will find the details of all the branches, if you only need the address of your district branch then you press Ctrl + F button, then a dialog box opens, enter your district name here and press Enter. Some people search in English on Google that USB courier service branch, for these people we will update this post in English.





Jamalpur Bosak Para, Jamalpur 01701208145 / 01701208146
Kishoreganj 178, New Town Station Road, Kishoreganj 1701208118
Mymensingh 52, Thana Ghat, Congress Jubilee Road, Mymensingh 1701208488
Bhairab Nurjahan Market, Bhairabpur (North Para), Dhaka-Shylet Highway Road, Bhairab 1701208486
Sherpur Thana Mor, Near Post Office, Sherpur Town, Sherpur-2100 1937631472


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Mymensingh USB courier service Mymensingh USB courier service

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