Natore Sundarban Courier Service All office & Addresses

Natore Sundarban Courier

Natore Sundarban Courier Service All office & Addresses:


Under this service we are providing documents for both corporate and retail customers nationwide. Envelopes weighing 01 to 200 grams are served.

These documents are being distributed to 600+ outlets across Bangladesh.

Under this service, through our 160 branches and agency offices nationwide, we collect declared value against “e-commerce and condition parcel products”.

Sundarbans is a household name to everyone in Bangladesh, the pioneer of courier and parcel services in the country.

Everyone from corporate clients to the average individual is availing Sundarbans services.



Division District Office name Address Contact Office Type
Rajshahi Natore Natore Dist. Agency Natore Din Manzil, Vill: Boro Gacha, P.O: Natore, Upazila: Natore, Dist: Natore. 077161055 01714258443 01711468816 Agency
Rajshahi Natore Bagatipara Thana Bonpara Bypass Booking Booth, Natore Paper & Courier Corner, Bagatipara, Bonpara Bypass, Bonpara, Natore 01751814892 01711453753 Agency
Rajshahi Natore Gurudas Pur Thana Agency Natore Aditi Computers, Chachkoir Bazar, P.S: Gurudaspur, Dist: Natore 01716220284 Agency
Rajshahi Natore Duyari Duyaria bazar , RM complex 01799369248 Agency
Rajshahi Natore Lalpur Thana Agency Nator Haque Library, Gopalpur Pourosova, P.O: Gopalpur, P.S: Lalpur, Dist: Natore. 01725617520 Agency
Rajshahi Natore Singra Upazila Agency Natore Sundarban Courier Service & Media Center Alhaz Sirajul Islam Super Market Bus Stand, Singra, Natore 01191400727 0772663386 Agency



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