Moulvibazar Sundarban Courier Service office & Addresses

Moulvibazar Sundarban Courier
Moulvibazar Sundarban Courier

Moulvibazar Sundarban Courier Service All office & Addresses


Under this service we are providing documents for both corporate and retail customers nationwide. Envelopes weighing 01 to 200 grams are served.

These documents are being distributed to 600+ outlets across Bangladesh.

Under this service, through our 160 branches and agency offices nationwide, we collect declared value against “e-commerce and condition parcel products”.

Sundarbans is a household name to everyone in Bangladesh, the pioneer of courier and parcel services in the country.

Everyone from corporate clients to the average individual is availing Sundarbans services.

Division District Office name Address Contact Office Type
Sylhet Moulvibazar Boro Lekha Thana Agency PC High School Market (1st Floor), Borolekha, Moulvibazar 01819696042 01736809532 Agency
Sylhet Moulvibazar Kulaura Thana Agency Dokhin Bazar, Kulaura, Moulvibazar 01712071662 01972071662 Agency
Sylhet Moulvibazar Sherpur Agency Al Karim Mansion, Dhaka Sylhet Road, Moulvibazar 01718197414 Agency
Sylhet Moulvibazar Shamshernagar Station Road, Chowmohona Shamsernagar, Komolgonj, Moulvibazar  01918585065 01190789414 Agency
Sylhet Moulvibazar Sreemongol Agency Rashid Market (1st Floor), Station Road, Sreemongol 01816397468 01197418084 Agency
Sylhet Moulvibazar Juri Thana Agency Sundarban Courier Service, Beside BDR Camp, Juri, Moulvibazar 01711268629 Agency
Sylhet Moulvibazar Rajnagar Empty Empty Agency


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Moulvibazar Sundarban Courier — মৌলভীবাজার সুন্দরবন কুরিয়ার সার্ভিস