Khulna All SA Paribahan Branch List & Contact Numbers

Khulna All SA Paribahan Branch
Khulna All SA Paribahan Branch

Khulna All SA Paribahan Branch List & Contact Numbers


Collection of SA Transport Branch list and contact number collection here. As we know, SA Transport is the largest and famous courier service in Bangladesh. Not only nationwide, SA Transport is also popular as an international service provider. Gone are the days when customers accepted their products lately. Nowadays, people are accustomed to delivering their invoices within a day or two.

SA Transport serves as a pioneer for this change. For this reason, most people find the number and contact address of the SA transport during the courier. Sometimes it is very difficult to find the actual contact number and address of a particular branch of SA Transport. Here, we have collected all the contact numbers and addresses of each branch of SA Transport. We have done this for you. Now you need to read this post with patience to find your suitable information.


Division Branch Name Address Contact Number
Khulna Khulna Branch 73, Lower Jessore Road, Khulna Siddikur Rahman Babul 01755512768-71
Khulna Khalishpur Branch Natun Rasta, Kashipur More, Khalishpur, Khulna Abdul Motaleb 01755512772
Khulna Jessore Branch 1, M.K. Road,Rownak Chamber Jessore Mikail Sarder 01755512776-79
Khulna Kushtia Branch 1, Jourdar Street, N.S. Road, Thanapara,Kushtia Shah jahan 01755512804-07
Khulna Noapara Branch 545/715, Bhuikara, Noapara, Jessore Mutiul Islam 01755512784-87
Khulna Satkhira Branch Near Roxi Cinema Hall, Old Bus Stand Ayub Ali 01755512780-83
Khulna Bagerhat Branch 107, k.ali road, sorui, bagerhat (biddut office er biporite & al islah academi er pashe) N/A 01755512795, 01755512793
Khulna Magura Branch Vhina More, Magura Kh.Salim Reza 01755512788-91
Khulna Jhenaida Branch Augnibina Sarak, Jhenaida Abul Hashem 01755512800-03
Khulna Benapool Branch Madrasa Market, Main Road, Benapool Abdul Latif 01755512796-99



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