Cox`s Bazar Sundarban Courier Service office & Addresses

Cox`s Bazar Sundarban Courier Service All office Addresses (16)

Cox`s Bazar Sundarban Courier Service All office & Addresses:

Under this service we are providing documents for both corporate and retail customers nationwide. Envelopes weighing 01 to 200 grams are served.

These documents are being distributed to 600+ outlets across Bangladesh.

Under this service, through our 160 branches and agency offices nationwide, we collect declared value against “e-commerce and condition parcel products”.

Sundarbans is a household name to everyone in Bangladesh, the pioneer of courier and parcel services in the country.

Everyone from corporate clients to the average individual is availing Sundarbans services.


Division District Office name Address Contact Office Type
Chittagong Cox`s Bazar Chokoria Thana Agency Cox’s Bazar M/S Azad Photo state & Courier Service, Vill: Binamara, P.O: Chiringa, Pourosova: Chokoria, Dist: Co 01811255352
Chittagong Cox`s Bazar Kolatoli B. Booth Beauty Tailors, Kolatoli, Near Kindergarden,  Cox`s Bazar 01914458745 Agency
Chittagong Cox`s Bazar Link Road (Cox’s Bazar Thana) Vill: Muhuri Para, P.O: Link Road, P.S+Dist:  Cox`s Bazar 01814444215 01713618383 Agency
Chittagong Cox`s Bazar Eid Gaon Agency Cox’s Bazar Eid Gaon Badh Station (Beside Prime Bank), Eid Gaon,  Cox`s Bazar 0341-58273
01198137070 01190677280
Chittagong Cox`s Bazar Moheshkhali Thana Agency Cox’s Bazar M/S Sazzad Enterprise, Dighi Road, Gourokghata, Moheshkhali,  Cox`s Bazar 01720657999 Agency
Chittagong Cox`s Bazar Teknaf Upazila Agency Cox’s Bazar Rayhan Enterprise, Hotel Rajmohol (Ground Floor), Puraton Bus Station, Teknaf,  Cox`s Bazar 01819084326 0342675094 01847061533 Agency
Chittagong Cox`s Bazar Kutubdiya Thana Agency Cox’s Bazar Sufi Complex, Zip Extension, Upazilla Parisad, Kutubdia,  Cox`s Bazar 01818921724
Chittagong Cox`s Bazar Ramu Thana Agency Cox’s Bazar Vill: Paschim Meronglowa, P.O: Ramu, P.S: Ramu, Dist:  Cox`s Bazar 01713618447
Chittagong Cox`s Bazar Ukhiya Upozila Agency Cox’s Bazar S.R. Enterprise, Paschim Station (Under Sonali Bank), Ukhiya,  Cox`s Bazar 01819723115
Chittagong Cox`s Bazar Pekua Empty  Empty Agency


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Cox`s Bazar Sundarban Courier