Home Courier Service Chittagong USB courier service address and number

Chittagong USB courier service address and number

Mymensingh USB courier service address and number

Chittagong USB courier service address and phone number


We know that there are various courier services all over the country. USB courier service is one of them. Keeping pace with the current times, courier service does not help us to send our various items to different places.

You can send it. And USB courier does not cost much.

The time has come when we can’t take our belongings with us anywhere. In that case, if you leave the things in the courier and go with the address, then, of course, the things will reach you in a very short time.


Branch Address Phone
Noakhali Honey Dew Point, Boro Masjid Moor, Maijdee Court, Noakhali 01701208467
Chandpur Shop No: 28-29, Stadium Market, Chandpur 01701208031
Laxmipur North Termohoni, North Bazar, Jonosheba Homeo Hall, Laxmipur 01701208479
Laksam Khatun Market Road, Doulatgonj Bazar, Laksam 01913754311 / 01916500200
Keranihat, Satkania M/S Khaza Sheel Corporation, Keranihat, Satkania, Chittagong 01701208079
Feni Titu Villa , 47, Gudam Quarter, Academy Road, Feni 01701208465
Cox’s Bazar H# 747, Jhawtola, Cox’s Bazar 01701208115
Cumilla H# 487/432, Nazrul Avenue, First Kandirpar, Cumilla Sadar 01701208139 / 01701208140
Chittagong Agrabad Progoti House, 1070 Sk. Mujib Road, Agrabad Chittagong 01701208063 / 01701208064 / 01701208065
Changaon (Bahardahat), Chittagong Alamgir Mansion, H# 3789, Arkan Road, Changaon, Chittagong 01701208066
Brahmanbaria H-85, Chokina Monjil, Sabera Subhan School Road, Bonik Para 01861112270
Bandarban T & T Area, 9 No Word, Bandarban Pouroshova, Bandarban Sadar, Bandarban 01830159594/ 01793180844


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Chittagong USB courier service Chittagong USB courier service

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