Dhaka All SA Paribahan Branch List & Contact Numbers

Dhaka All SA Paribahan Branch List & Contact Numbers
Dhaka All SA Paribahan Branch List & Contact Numbers

Dhaka All SA Paribahan Branch List & Contact Numbers


Collection of SA Transport Branch list and contact number collection here. As we know, SA Transport is the largest and a famous courier service in Bangladesh. Not only nationwide, SA Transport is also popular as an international service provider. Gone are the days when customers accepted their products lately. Nowadays, people are accustomed to delivering their invoices within a day or two.

SA Transport serves as a pioneer for this change. For this reason, most people find the number and contact address of the SA transport during the courier. Sometimes it is very difficult to find the actual contact number and address of a particular branch of SA Transport. Here, we have collected all the contact numbers and addresses of each branch of SA Transport .. We have done this for you. Now you need to read this post with patience to find your suitable information.


Division Branch Name Address Contact Number
Dhaka Kakrail Branch (Head Office) 22-23, Kakrail, Shantinagar Road,
Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh.
Salahuddin Ahmed-Chairman & Managing Director
Salina Akther-Director
Noor-A-Alam Rubel-Director
01755512606-611, 01755512602, 01755512603, 01755512604, 01755512605
Ph: 9351467, 9332052, 9356581, 9356619,
Fax No : 9334730, 9341237,8315341, 9359489
Dhaka Elephant Road 334,347, Elephant Road, Dhaka Mohammad Ullah Khan 01755512650
Dhaka Mirpur Branch 92, Senpara, Mirpur, Dhaka Md.Ruhul Amin 01755512646-48
Dhaka Malitola Branch 93-99, M.s. Complex
Malitolai, Dhaka
Asaduzzaman Asad 01755512634-36
Dhaka Mohakhali Branch D-5/1A, Rasulbagh , Mohakhali, Dhaka Alomgir Hossain 01755-512638
Dhaka Uttara Branch House-20, Sector-6
Alaul Avenue, Uttara, Dhaka
Golam Mustfa 01755-512642
Dhaka Savar Branch (Baipail Branch) Baipail, Savar ( Near D. E.P. Z) Wahidul Aziz Chow.(Wasim) 01755512662-63
Dhaka Lalmatia Branch
4/2 Lalmatia, B-Block Oppositive of Bank Asia, Mohammadpur,
Dhaka Supremme Court Branch Supreme Court Point, Dhaka Edmdadul Hoque 01755512654
Dhaka Narayanganj Branch 20 Nobab Solimulla Road, Don Chember, Medi Star Hospital er poshchim pashe, Narayanganj 01755512658-60
Dhaka Mymensingh Branch 21/A, C.K Ghosh Road, Mymensingh. Manager-Md.Mobin 01755512666
Dhaka Jamalpur Branch Station Road,
Near Fire Service, Jamalpur.
Manager-Kamal Uddin 01755512674-76
Dhaka Kishoreganj Branch In front of Thana, Kishoreganj. Manager-Md. Tazul Islam 01755512670
Dhaka Tangail Branch 440 purbo adalot para, dhaka road (mohila yatim khanar shamne), Tangail Tajul Islam 01755512679-80
Dhaka Netrokona Branch Behind Of Anjuman School,
Ismail Hossain 01766688309-12
Dhaka Gazipur Branch Dhaka-Mymensingh Road 2 Bogra,
01766688321-24 Empty
Rajshahi Sirajgonj Branch New Dhaka Road, Bazar Station, Sirajgonj 01766688333-35 01766688334-36
Dhaka Faridpur Branch 96/97, Sheikh Mujib Rd.Faridpur Abdul Halim 01755512869-71


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Good Study