Khulna USB courier service address and number

Mymensingh USB courier service address and number

Khulna USB courier service address and phone number


We know that there are various courier services all over the country. USB courier service is one of them. Keeping pace with the current times, courier service does not help us to send our various items to different places.

You can send it. And USB courier does not cost much.

The time has come when we can’t take our belongings with us anywhere. In that case, if you leave the things in the courier and go with the address, then, of course, the things will reach you in a very short time.


Branch Address Phone
Khulna Sadar 83, Sir Iqbal Road, Khulna 01701208170
Satkhira New Market More, Rahman Plaza, Abul Kasem Sarak, Satkhira 01756989977 / 01756988899
Narail Stadium Market, Magura Sarak 01701208489
Meherpur S.R. Plaza, Bus Stand, Meherpur 01701208485
Magura Nahar Market, Jessore Road, Bhiner More, Magura 01701208480
Kushtia Shomobay Complax-2, Mahtab Uddin Sarak, Kataikhana More, Court Para, Kushtia 01701208475
Jhinaidha Shekh Bhaban, Hossain Shahid Sarwardi Road, Jhinaidha 01701208481
Jessore Uposhohor Plot# 63, Sector# 2, Uposhohor, Jessore 01701207987
Jessore (RN Road) Rabbani Super Market, RN Road, Jessore 01701207983
Chuadanga Court Road, Mukti Para, Chuadanga 01795393440 / 01711136952
Bagerhat Dashpara More, Holding# 9, Bagerhat Sadar, Bagerhat 01701208482
Benapole H# 344, Nurzahan Mansion, C&F Agent Association Road, Gazipur, Benapole 01701207980


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